We Ensure Best Service

At Hi Score, we are dedicated to providing the best service when it comes to building and managing your business credit. We understand the crucial role that a strong credit profile plays in the success of your business. That's why we offer comprehensive business credit solutions tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you're a startup looking to establish credit or an established business seeking to improve your creditworthiness, our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way. From setting up your business credit profile to optimizing your credit utilization, we're committed to helping you unlock the financial opportunities your business deserves. Trust us to be your partner in building a solid foundation for long-term business success.

  • Tailored business credit solutions designed to meet the specific needs and goals of your company.
  • Expert guidance and support from our experienced team throughout the process of building and managing your business credit.
  • Comprehensive strategies for establishing, optimizing, and maintaining your business credit profile.
  • Proven track record of success, with numerous businesses benefiting from our expertise and dedication to excellence in business credit services.
66023 +
Items removed in 2023
10000 +
Satisfied Clients

Join the ranks of over 10,000 satisfied clients who have experienced the transformative impact of our credit repair services. With a remarkable track record of over 66,000 items successfully removed from our clients' credit reports, we have consistently delivered outstanding results. Each removed item represents a step closer to financial freedom and improved creditworthiness. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to each client's unique needs have earned us the trust and loyalty of thousands. Let us put our expertise to work for you, helping you overcome credit challenges and achieve the financial freedom you deserve.


“I got referred by someone that worked with Daniel. He is a credit ninja and helps explain how to build your credit. What a relief to be able to buy my first home!”

Gloria G.

“It was such a painless process! My credit specialist Andrew was easy and fast to respond to all my questions during the credit repair. I went from an embarrassing 488 to 763! Thanks Andrew!”

Callum R.

“I thought this process would take months and months, but my credit went up in 4 weeks to mid 700’s. I am finally a home owner and so much stress has been lifted.”

Vanessa H.

“My favorite thing about Hi Score is their customer portal. Easy to use and get constant updates through the whole process.”

David I.